Tag Archives: We Make Zines

All is going well

Well, there’s lots on at the moment. But surprisingly I don’t feel bogged down. Maybe I’ve finally worked out, subconsciously, how to organise my sometimes ridiculous workload in my head…

Story To… Issue Two: Pod People will be out mid-November which is pretty exciting. This edition is going to be great as we’ve got some awesome submissions and Chris is working on 1950s horror movie design theme. Great! Beth and I are also busy contacting all sorts of people and places trying to get the Story To… name out there. A few people have been really keen to help out including Bird in the Hand, Fallyrag and Ampersand Magazine.

I’ve discovered the coolest website called We Make Zines. It’s a social networking site for zinesters and currently has over 500 members (and climbing) from all around the world. I particularly like the forums for general ziney information and it’s also a great way to find distros.

I wrote my first blog for The Double Agent. Not sure when it’ll be up on the site though. Mostly happy with what I wrote but I think I’ll do better next time. Simon just emailed saying he’s putting together a writing section for the site and has asked me to be a contributor. This should be great.

The TEFL study is going well now. Since Jonny and I bought the Mac we can study together, one of us on the PC and one on the lappy. So much more fun doing it that way cause we can bounce ideas off each other and work things out together. How terribly geeky! We hope to have it finished before we leave Australia. Hmmm, eight modules in one month? We’ll see…

And lastly, Taiwan prep. Well, we’ve scored an awesome deal on accommodation in Taichung, at the Taichung Hostel. Only $300 AUD for one month for a double room with its own bathroom! That’s only $150 AUD each. For a month. Woo hoo! Imagine what the price of food will be. And there’s apparently a night market right behind where we’re staying so that means awesome street cuisine at equally awesome prices. I’ve emailed a my resume away for a couple of writing positions. Have only heard back from one which was for a technical writer and was not quite right. Found a freelance proofreading position that sounds great so going to apply for that soon. And I’ve contacted a few schools too and it seems like it’ll be pretty easy to get teaching work. If I do have to work as a teacher I really like the look of Season Arts, seems quite progressive and a really fun way of teaching English to kids.

Five weeks to go!